Old Colstonians networking with Upper Sixth students
Following the success of last year’s networking session the OCs had another session with upper sixth formers again this year, week commencing the 18th March. This proved to be valuable and everyone involved seemed to enjoy the occasion. We were able to sign up the majority of U6 to Colston's Connected which will ensure everyone will be able to keep in touch, as well as enabling us to communicate OC events, news and stories.
The networking forum was very successful and ran smoothly, even if the pavilion was a bit cramped. Drinks and chocolate muffins went down a treat! A big thankyou to all those who came along and gave their time to share their story and offer advice-
Claire Broomfield - Consultant Paediatrician
Simon Quinn - Consultant in Senior Recruitments
Peter Bradbury - Accountant
Mark Plenty - Construction
Bob Jennings - Banking
The students were interested in a number of career paths including Medical, Construction, Law, Accountancy and also Overseas relief aid work plus a number of other fields. We hope to be able to put a couple of students in touch with OCs in their chosen profession so that they can offer advice for the students' future careers.
Many thanks to Ms Sarah Matthews head of sixth form who helped make this happen and to Doug Lodge OC for taking the photos.
We aim to run these sessions again next year so if any OC would like to offer their time to come and talk with students please let me know at