Three PEAKS Challenge
Six of our Sixth Form students ventured out to conquer the Three Peaks Challenge in the spring 2018 and raise money for Meningitis NOW!
Colston's Sixth former's raising money for Meningitis Now!
Sixth Form Three PEAKS challenge for Meningitis NOW!
Here is an update from Dominic Hart U6 -
The event took place over the Easter period 2018 with six sixth form students. We ventured out to conquer the Three Peaks Challenge in which participants must climb the three highest peaks in England, Scotland and Wales.
These are: Ben Nevis (1344m), Scafell Pike (978m) and Snowdon (1085m)
Although it was over the weekend, we set their our time-limit of 24hours, including travel.
The event I’m glad to inform was a roaring success, we climbed all three peaks in under 24 hours in a time of 23hrs 17mins. (including travel time between destinations.) However, what we are most proud of, and grateful for, is the wide support we received from OC’s around the world which has enabled us to have raised over £1700 pounds for Meningitis Now.
One thing the whole team would like to emphasise is a massive thanks for your support.
Well done everyone! What an amazing achievement. The THE TOTAL RAISED SO FAR IS: £1,700