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News > OC Golf Society > OC and Heads' Golf Day

OC and Heads' Golf Day

Our golfers
Our golfers

The Second OC and Heads' Golf Day was held on 7th June 2024 at The Bristol Golf Club. There were 22 participants comprising of staff, parents and OCs. The weather was kind to us and at times a strong breeze which made some of the holes tricky.

We were lucky to have Dave Tooze and Bob Jennings as on course marshals to keep them on the straight and narrow and help look for lost balls.

There was a good standard of golf and the winning team, by a very small margin, was Ian Rawlings, Anthony Pike, James Powell and Will Sanzo.

We all sat down for a hearty meal and a good chat. A good day was had by all.

There will be another Golf Day in 2025.

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